My father-in-law possesses one A500 with 2.3MB main memory.
He/it works with EPS-Grafiken and often receives a storage-lack-news,
as soon as he/it would like to print out the produced document.
Furthermore he/it finds it awfully, that documents with charts quickly
a size of more than 1MB has.
Solution 1:
Double-click on a chart. In the Einstellungs-Fenster that screen -
show on cross-frameworks puts and on all applies
With applying leave the window.
All tied in charts are represented in the cross-framework.
In order to delete the already busy storage, one stores the document,
close it and loads it again.
Schwupps the wupps, the storage is freely and the charts are nevertheless
contain in the document.
Small side-effect: The working-speed climbs, since FW the charts
must not reload.
Solution 2:
Double-click on a chart. In the Einstellungs-Fenster the
Sichern/Verkn�pfens on connection secure puts.
With applying leave the window.
All tied in charts are stored no longer but only
still the path, in whoever is the file. That brings one falsely -
appearance-like Speicherplatzeinsparung on the hard disk or diskette.
RESPECT: This procedure must execute separately for each inserted chart
JUST: The charts must with the exchange of documents between Usern
is secured, since the path of the charts between the Usern in that
the most felling differently is.
FinalWriter normally loads all tied in charts in that
RAM and stores this extra with the document once again.
Therefore storage area-waste doubled.
One only shows with the Kreuzrahmen"-Darstellung however, that
a chart existing is.
First when printing, the data are loaded into the storage one after the other
and immediately again gel�scht.
That saves RAM and time.
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